I have actually been a visiting student at Harvard but Vista is a place where all visiting students in the Boston area are welcomed.

Richard Karl

VISTA – “Your family abroad”. The motto really applies. As a visiting student, I wrote my master’s thesis at MIT for 6 months and became aware of VISTA in the first month. I will never forget all of the cool events, the many friends and the great board meetings. St. Patrick’s Day, Sports Events, Beach Day, 4th of July BBQ and much more. It was always great fun to meet all the international, highly motivated students and to have a great time. I can only recommend everyone to go to the Open Board Meetings. Be it free pizza or because you have cool ideas for events yourself. The board is very happy about any support and feedback from the visiting students. Thanks for everything VISTA <3

Raphael Pesch 07/22

VISTA definitely was a family abroad for me when I was doing my research internship in Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication at a Harvard Medical School lab. During my time, I was a dance teacher and VP of Communications alongside Jorge, and I believe we created a very dynamic team. Being the only Latina at the VISTA Board in 2019, it gave me the opportunity to collaborate, create, share with amazing people, and expand my point of view; for that, I’m extremely grateful. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat! 😀

Diana Priscilla Bonilla Ruelas

I miss VISTA family!

Qi Song
NameBoard positionFieldLinks
Florian GollmannBoard MemberChemical Engineering
Kerim UscuplicSponsorshipPhysics
Thomas BerkaneSecretaryComputer Science
Karolina BiniekWebmasterChemical Engineering
Jules MainandCo-President and CommunicationMaterial Science and Engineering
Ludovico PapavassiliouBoard MemberRobotics
Ines HercegWebmasterChemistry
Paula de Mercado RecioCo-President and CommunicationHealth Biology
Cristian DrudiSecretaryAI in Medicine
Carlo PignagnoliEventsMechanical Engineering Portela Research Group
Joris GentinettaBoard MemberData Science
Lucas Fernandez de LosadaEventsNuclear Reactor Laboratory
Carl-Leander HennekingBoard MemberMedia Lab
Åse HåtveitCo-PresidentSenseable Lab
Chen Bo Calvin ZhangSecretary/WebmasterComputer Science
Marco De VincenziWebmasterMechanical Engineering
Aurelia MorabitoCommunicationBioengineering
Rick WierengaBoard MemberMedia Lab
Lukas ArcuriBoard MemberChemical Engineering
Roman GirkeBoard MemberIndustrial Engineering
Johanna EinsiedlerBoard MemberSocial Data Science
Fabienne ThurnreiterCommunicationER Nursing
Florian GeissEventsElectronic Engineering
Tom Frömbgen CommunicationTheoretical Chemistry
Frederike BrockmeyerCommunication Physics
Riccardo MorganBoard Member Engineering
Lama AlsultanBoard MemberInformation Systems
Andrin SchmidBoard MemberMechanical Engineering
Christian GrasheiBoard memberSoftware Engineering
Isis Maria Cota MartinezEventsAutomation Engineering
Akmaral SuleimenovaCo-President and WebmasterChemical Engineering
Tasneem BurghlehCommunicationSoftware Engineering
Ishfaaq RumjaunEventsMechanical Engineering
Simone BrunoCo-Founder, Co-PresidentMechanical Engineering
Mayar ArissBoard memberMechanical Engineering
Hanya ElhashemyTreasurerSoftware Engineering
Joel Jurado DiazEventsAerospace Engineering
Alexandre HeuilletCo-PresidentMachine and Deep Learning
Diego MorraWebmasterElectrical Engineering and IT
Jules AuthierWebmasterElectrical Engineering and IT
Tobias SchmidtEventsArtificial Intelligence
Maximilian BlaschkeBoard member
Paul KohlerCo-PresidentControl Theory 
Manfredi GangiCommunicationElectrical Engineering
Christian UlmerWebmasterChemical Engineering / Computer Science
Shih-Cheng LiCommunicationChemical Engineering
Rick WierengaEventsLab automation
Lorenz DraegerCo-PresidentDeep Learning
Gerrit IpersCommunicationLi-Ion Batteries
Frank de KleijneEventsDepartment of Chemistry
Marcel ReimannSecretaryMedical Engineering
Tobias LucasEvents
Laura LützowEvents
Jakob KruseBoard memberArtificial Intelligence
Thorben PreinWebmasterMaterials Informatics
Raphael PeschCommunication/SecretaryOptics & Photonics
Gretta Marija NikkareCommunicationEnergy Engineering
Paulo NascimentoTreasurerComputer Science and AI
Alex ArandaBoard memberMedical Devices R&D
Alix DupireSecretaryMaterial Sciences and Engineering
Ana Morello MegiasBoard memberNeuroscience
Andrea PertoldiCommunicationMaterials Science
Anne NiederdraenkEventsChemical Engineering
Antoine DespinasseCommunicationBioinformatics
Bassel TarabayCommunicationCivil Engineering
Bente SomsenBoard memberBiomedical Enginnering and Chemical Biology
Cyril SchroederBoard memberInterdisciplinary Sciences
Daniel BergenEventsMetabolic Engineering
Diana Priscilla Bonilla RuelasCommunicationBiotechnology Engineering
Don van ElstSecretaryNanospintronics
Elena ChristodoulopoulosTreasurerChemical and Materials Science and Engineering
Fabio CaltanissettaSecretaryMechanical Engineering
Florian KabingerTreasurerMolecular Biotechnology
Francesco M BenedettiCo-Founder, PresidentChemical Engineering
Géraldine ChanteuxSecretaryChemical Sciences
Giannandrea InchingoloCo-Founder, secretaryAstrophysics
Giulia Carla SpolidoroBoard memberMedicine and Nutrition
Giulio ferroBoard memberPower systems
Grégoire ChometteEventsAeronautics and Astronautics
Isabella FerreiraSecretaryBiological Engineering
Jorge Marques SilvaCommunicationEnergy
Karsten Krautwald VesterholmBoard memberAdvanced Vibration Analysis
Konstantina KanariCommunicationAerospace Engineering
Kumar KishenEventsImplantable Devices and Indian Administrative Service
Lea BenayounSecretaryGeneral Engineering
Lisa-Marie KrausBoard memberMechanical Engineering
Lorenz OlbrichSecretaryChemistry and Materials Science
Lukas KochEventsMedical Engineering
Marta López LópezSecretaryBiomaterials
Max ElsenEventsMechanical Engineering and Business Administration
Michael NissenSecretaryComputer Science
Nicolas W. ParowCommunicationRenewable Energy Engineering
Niki GatzionisEventsEducation
Nikunj VermaEventsPhysics
Nuno MarquesCommunicationProtein hydrogels
Patricia PauliTreasurerMechanical Engineering
Pierre monteillerCommunicationMachine Learning and Mathematics
Qi SongBoard memberCondensed Matter Physics
Raksmy NopPresidentFluid Mechanics
Richard KarlBoard memberInterdisciplinary Sciences
Sandra RothenbücherCommunicationMechanical Engineering
Tanja MüllerEventsMedical Engineering
Tibor AlecTreasurerMaterials Science
Valentin KluesenerTreasurerExperimental Quantum Physics
Valentina NegriSecretaryProcess Engineering